Senior Whippets of Stepmar

Issue Date: 07/12/1999 Dynamite Results

Senior Whippets of Stepmar From Dynamite Bronze Director Marilyn Williams, North Royalton, OH

Meet the Senior Whippets here at Stepmar. Pearl - age 12 (Am/Can Ch. Madrigal's Who's Who of Stepmar), Camry - age 15 (Camry at Cantagree CGC) and Conti - age 15 (Am/Can Ch. Cantagree's Mistral). All have been Dynamite® dogs since Sept. 1991. We currently have three youngsters (age 5) at the house as well. (see NL, dated 12/94, pg.5)

In September 1998, both of our older dogs seemed to be failing. They had repeated bouts of urinary cystitis and were on antibiotics several times. Their weight fell alarmingly and on two separate occasions our veterinarian basically sent us home to "make the dog comfortable." Both times, driving home in tears, I vowed not to let them go without a fight. One e-mail to Judy, a run down of symptons, a referral to a newsletter article (Judy is a wealth of information) and I was in the kitchen mixing up fresh cooked chicken broth with Dyna-Pro(tm), Herbal Green(tm) andShowdown®. In addition we added Solace(tm) to the water dish. Camry had all but stopped eating and refused to even take broth. I force fed her with a syringe, getting enough down her to keep her going. This went on for a week and then, miraculously, she met me one morning, tail wagging, eyes bright and wanting her breakfast! Conti's problems were similar, although he ate on his own, so he got the same program and, within 10 days, he was out pestering the rabbits and chasing the squirrels again. Both have continued to do well with Showdown®, some Dyna-Pro(tm) when necessary, and a week of Herbal Green(tm) from time to time. About the same time Camry began to suffer from incontinence problems, so our vet prescribed phenylpropanoloamine. It helped, but she's difficult to get a pill down & our dog sitter was unable to keep her medication up while we were gone. I looked for other options, but there appeared to be none.

Then, at the Spring Conference, while listening to Judy's "dog food pitch", it occurred to me that I should try the Chicken Meal and Rice Dog Food.Perhaps it was divine intervention, because up to that point I had resisted purchasing the dog food for a lot of reasons - too much trouble, it might be more expensive, "my dogs are doing fine on Brand X" and, like so many, I reasoned that "they're on Showdown®, why do I need to feed this?" Now, after only six weeks I'm asking myself only one question, "What took me so long to try this?"

As if guided by some unknown force I failed to give Camry her medication for nearly two weeks after I started feeding Dynamite® Dog Food. It dawned on me one day as I looked at the bottle of pills and realized I had not cleaned up a urine mess for nearly two weeks! Miraculously (I use that word a lot when I talk about these products) Camry's incontinence (and Conti's as well) have all but disappeared. I can attribute these changes to nothing except Dynamite® Chicken Meal and Rice Dog Food.

I have just ordered my second bag (after six weeks, feeding six dogs) and can't tell enough people about how wonderful this food is! Every day with our "old timers" is a blessing and I have Dynamite® products and my Dynamite® Family to thank for it!

Pearl, Camry and Conti
Update!!! October 1999
My old male whippet, Conti, had a tumor (huge) removed last week,
and you can't believe how well he is doing! Our vet was amazed
and when she checked his kidney function (which we were having
problems with before Dynamite® Dog Food) she could not believe
it! Well within the normal range after being off the charts!

The statements made on this page​ ​reflect the opinions of Dynamite Independent Distributors. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any disease. Products and suggestions should always be used in accordance with the opinions and expertise of your trusted health care professional, doctor and/or veterinarian.