Issue Date: 05/02/2000 | Dynamite Results |
Dynamite® Rescue Kitten From Dynamite Supervisor Teri Davis
N. Rosie Jones, A Dynamite® Rescue Kitten
Rosie was about 8 weeks old when she was found on the streets of Roseburg OR. Her condition was what pulled at my heart strings. Her left eye was infected and crusted shut, she had a marked limp on the right front paw, and her ears were so infested with ear mites that droplets of blood splattered me when she would shake her head. I took her home to Washington saying "I'll just get her well and find a home for her". We did the vet visit immediately. Neg. feline leukemia, antibiotics for the eye, and ear mite Rx after a couple of ear washes. I said "Absolutely no vaccines in her condition". Then it was time for some good nutrition - Precise and Dynamite® Purrrformance(tm) which she inhaled. The eye cleared in 7 days, the ear mites in 6 wks and the lameness in the right paw ended at about 4 months. She is a total pack rat as you can see from the picture. She stole the Dynamite® scoop out of the Dynamite Plus(tm) bucket when I was mixing grains for my Miniature horse mare. Purrrformance(tm) is an awesome product. I made the mistake of running out and my 14 yr old cat who is very flea sensitive broke out with a flea bite at the base of his tail and went bald with sticky exudate. I used Wound Balm(tm) and ordered Purrrformance(tm) fast. In two weeks it was gone and he was growing hair. His black coat just shines.
As for N. Rosie Jones, she has found a home.......Mine!
N. Rosie Jones -- pack rat!