April 25, 2007
From Dynamite® Silver Director Martha Pilcher, Half Moon Bay, CA
Just wanted to give some news on a Dynamite® dog. Mandy (Aristes Tres Jolie), our Bouvier des Flandres Jolie's daughter, went into the show ring for her first time at the age of 14 months at the Bouvier des Flandres Club of Northern California Specialty on March 31st. Don and I were really looking at this 2-day show as a schooling opportunity for Mandy more than anything else. Of course, we were completely open to optimum potentiality.
Honestly, she only had 1 1/2 weeks to prepare to learn the moves and one formal conformation training class on what was expected of her. In the Specialty, she was entered in two AKC classes, 12-18 month old bitches and the puppy sweepstakes (not AKC sanctioned). She won her class on Saturday in the AKC puppy bitch class. However, on Sunday she not only won this same class, but she went on to win Winners Bitch and a 3-point major against other more show-seasoned and older bitches. Not bad for a debut!
As you know, Mandy is a Dynamite® gal all the way -- beginning in utero, as did her mother. Her Dynamite® regimen is a big part of what kept Mandy together physically and mentally, as well as Relax and Dyna-Pro before, during, and after the show. Dynamite® nutrition, minimal vaccines (only as a puppy, by our choice,), as well as her wonderful temperament, have contributed to a healthy and easy dog to be around. The breeders and our friends, Cindi Stumm and Fritz Dilsaver, of course, were certainly instrumental in starting the socialization early on in her young life, as well as in her grooming and handling -- and loving her in and out of the
ring and any other time Mandy and Jolie are around them. By the way, both Mandy and Jolie are full-time family members with us.