A Dynamite® Breeding Program

Issue Date: 08/30/2001 Dynamite Results

A Dynamite® Breeding Program

From Dynamite® Director Rowan Emrys, Fort Collins, CO

John and I (Tarryall Farms) have been breeding AQHA horses for over 38 years now and just wanted to do a little bragging about our Dynamite® babies. We choose the best genetic lines possible, of course, but we believe that our successful feeding program allows our horses to come to their fullest genetic potential. Naturally we share our awarenesses with all who come into range!

  • all broodmares and our stallion, of course, are on free choice NTM Salt, 1:1, Izmine and premium, natural Colorado mountain grass hay which is tested for nitrates (we learned that after losing 3 babies one year after some WY hay had been contaminated by nitrates in irrigation water)
  • currently, Izmine seems to be the mineral of choice with a number of horses but the1:1 is right up there, too.
  • concentrates include PGR (Pelleted Grain Ration), Dynamite Regular, and weekly DynaPro with amounts varying due to individual requirements although all are upped from maintenance doses during breeding/foaling season
  • maintenance PGR varies from 1-2 qts/day (qt =1.5#) and doubles during breeding/foaling (we feed 2x daily)
  • during 3x daily breeding for our stallion, he's upped to 3x daily feeding with .5 cupHES added; during first 3 mos. lactation, mares are upped the same way if they need it - some require HES, some do not
  • we increase mares' Regular from 1 to 1.5 oz/day about 3 months before expected foaling date and up again to 2 oz/day during first 3 months lactation after which it's dropped back to maintenance
  • daily DynaPro starts about 2 weeks before due date and continues until baby is about 2 weeks old or through foaling heat; maintenance is once/week
  • additionally we add Easy Boy during this same period to forestall any cramping
  • we have not vaccinated for years and have boarders coming in and out all the time with absolutely no health problems for our stock
  • because of the numbers of horses we're working with, when we need to deworm (we do a fecal, etc) we use just one dose of Safeguard (Panacur) with daily DynaPro for 7-10 days following
  • one mare is very prone to parasites (had a real rough beginning before we bought her as a yearling) and she gets dailyMiracle Clay in her grain which seems to do the trick

Everybody is in awe of the maturity of our babies and the fact that there's no epiphysitis evident anywhere in spite of their growth. Also we've had some people actually argue with us that the mares the babies are with are obviously NOT their moms because everyone knows that nursing mares are pulled down and ours are blooming with health! And all the wonderful healing products likeRelax, Release, Tranquil, Wound Balm, Wound Salve, TMC (Trace Minerals Concentrate), Solace, TTO (Tea Tree Oil), SuperStress, etc. have permanent space in our cupboard for when necessary - and that includes for both John and I plus our dogs and cats.
Here are some sale photos we took so you can see our Dynamite® horse breeding results. And, of course, our undying thanks to Jim and his Dynamite® Marketing for providing these fabulous products.

PHOTOS: Eminant Elan - an appendix colt at 17 mos.; Millicent MacDash at 3 mos. showing off her cropout spot; Shadow's Vanity - naturally posing at 4 mos. with her mom; Dashin River, half brother to Elan, showing mature 5 y.o. beauty; and River taking life in stride.


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