Issue Date: 03/07/2001 | Dynamite Results |
A Star is Born -- Hanoverian Filly from 17 year old maiden mare! From Dynamite® Director Kimberly Mercer, Galt, CA
A long time Dynamite® customer called me one day to ask about her friends horse who was 17 years old, a maiden mare, who she was trying to get in foal. She had tried In-vitro 5 times to the same stallion (and had to pay each time for the stud service) as you can imagine, she was up in the $9,000 range for fees at this point. The stallion was successfully breeding other mares.
The owner decided she would like to try our products. I put the mare on Regular Dynamite® and Breeder Pac(tm), got her on all the free choices and NTM salt. She was using the products for about 4 1/2 months before she started breeding again. The owner decided to switch stallions, as she was a little at odds with the original stallion owner having paid out all this money with no results. Bingo, first try, her mare was in foal, and of course, the owner was ecstatic. We continued the Dynamite® products throughout the pregnancy; the mare had a relatively easy delivery and in March 2000 out popped this darling black filly.
In August at the Annual Hanoverian Inspection at Glenwood Farms, Wilton CA, I went along to see how little Wricochet would do on her inspection. Out of 16 fillies and 18 colts, she came in the top 3, so, she did great, truly a Dynamite® specimen! She looked stunning, has great conformation, good bone and moves like a dream. Needless to say, the owner is sold on our products, and continues to use them!