Issue Date: 02/24/2001 | Dynamite Results |
NATRC Region 1 Novice Lightweight Horse and Novice Lightweight Rider From Dynamite Manager Christine Sparks, Grass Valley, CA
He did it again! This is our second year riding NATRC. We won Region 1 Novice Lightweight Horse for the second year and also Novice Lightweight Rider, plus Hi Point Horse/Rider Breed Award from the American Connemara Pony Society. And, at the National level, Hi Point Team Award! I use Dynamite Plus™ and Dynamite Complete Grain Ration™ for The Balius Emerald aka "Eeyore". Thank you so much, Dynamite®, for a wonderfully consistent product that produces wonderfully consistent results! Looking forward to another Dynamite® ride season in 2001.