Issue Date: 03/14/2000 | Dynamite Results |
Scott Martin and Shorty Lenas Notice Win PCCHA Futurity! Writing in Performance Horse, December 1999, Cheryl Margoteaux says:
"Scott Martin made Halloween a day of victory when he won the 1999 Pacific Coast Cutting Horse Association Futurity Championship on Shorty Lenas Notice. Their score of 219 earned $30,082, a Wendy Allen saddle, Gist buckle, Kelly Graham bronze and a Big D blanket. The good bay son of Shorty Lena out of Brooks Notice had won the Northwest Cutting Futurity in Fort Klamath in August."
Shorty Lenas Notice is owned by Richard and Marg Eagle of Sherwood, Oregon, and has also recently won the Las Vegas Futurity. Scott is a Dynamite® Distributor and is totally sold on his program, which includes Dynamite Pelleted Grain Ration™ and Free and Easy™. He requires that all his training horses be on the Dynamite® program, and says this is the first time he has not had to inject joints during the season. Congratulations, Scott!!